yeah~!! finally!!
MJchoir is singing
ABBA's song!! hehehe.. i'm so happy lah can! and i corrected their pronounciation yesterday with the confirm of
Mr Kwei's pronounciation. It's AH-BAH. not AIR-BAH. hehehe..
Joy and I were correct can!! Saw some of the year ones yesterday, but don't seem to have any cute juniors around.. hmm.. except for my woh-woh
gracelyn and
danny very noisy!! argh..
hehe.. going to swim with
Joy, Kyong and XR later.. woohoo~ at the time being, i'm bored lah can..........
another survey...
1. dO yOu GeT jEaLoUs EaSiLy?
# no
2. wHaT hV u Been DoiN fOr tHe pasT feW dAys?
# all sorts of things. playing rpg, sleeping, watching tv, go running, pai-ban.
3.LaSt MoVieS thaT u WatCh? wiTh whO?
# Phantom of the Opera. with Joy, Kyong, Harris, Gerald, XR.
4.WhaT u gOnna dO aFteR thiS?
# go swimming
5.WhEn DiD D LaSt TiMe u cRy ?
# hurr.. cannot remember loh.. =)
6.SeRioUs iN LOVe BefoRe?
# not sure.. wad is the definition of serious? =)
7.wHaT iS tHe 1sT tHiNg taT coMes tO uR MiNd?
# Super-per, Trouper-per....
8.FaV soNg?
# alot. all time favourite = This I Promise You
9.wHaT u pLaNNiN tO dO thiS weeKeNd?
# go my sis's house and bake chocolate brownie and cheesecake, taunt over at xinni's bdae chalet, go swimming.
10.dO u cLuB? wheRe?
11.dO u smOke?
never will
12.aNy peopLe iN LoVe wiTh u nOw?
# of course! my mum and dad will always love me. plus my siblings too! =)
13.dO u pRefeR sMs oR TalkiN oN pHoNe?
# neither.. i like to meet up
14.R u MissiN suM1 nOw?
# yaloh.. i'm missing my MJ friends and xiaohan.
15.wHaT aRe YoU dOiNg NoW?
# blogging and listening to ABBA GOLD.
16.wHen iS tHe LaSt tiMe u ReCeiVe fLoweRs?
# 2 weeks ago.
17.1 WoRd tO SaY bOuT u?
# glad
18.NaMe ur beSt fReN
# Xiaohan
19.wHo u wanNa kiSs nOw?
# myself
20.iN LoVe wiTh aNy1 nOw? whO?
# nope
21.1 peRsoN whO u wiSh tO sPeNd uR LiFe
# still waiting.. if don't have i still got my mum and dad. love them can!! =)
Listening to: Super Trouper - ABBA
Mood: happy