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Friday, August 31, 2007

Hi people! For those that have not been in contact with me for long, I've already changed my blog to :



please smile for me, baby

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

OKIE!! Everyone's been complaining about my stagnant blog!! And here I am, blogging away again, hopefully able to update it everyday.

Where and how shall I start? Hmm.. I guess I'll go as the title suggests. BUT on a day by day basis.

-Shaoxing Trip-
It was the most wonderful days of the past..hmm..12 years of my schooling life. 15 days, 24 FMS students, 2 lecturers, 4 friends from China, with the same passion. Passion for photography, passion for adventure, passion for videography, passion for music, and even passion for FOOD!

Spending 15 days with people you know and didn't know back then was not easy.
You get to tolerate with people, and in the end realised that everything's got to do with compromising. We're all kids in that big country, wandering around, trying to satisfy our curiosity by trying out ALMOST everything.

Furthermore, what can be better than your lecturers letting you experience a fantastic and liberating life abroad?? Remember the separation between males and females accomodation? Lights out? There's no such things during those 15 days!! haha. That's why all of us got so close during the trip, because we shared beds, floors, balcony(?!), toilets, food, and even shoulders to lie on when we're tired!!

Oh man, and here I am missing China again. And to think that Chiam Singwei a.k.a Uncle is in China enjoying himself makes me wanna grit my teeth. ARGH..

However, I think the best part is, we stayed together even after the trip. Okay, we did make use of each other a little bit. HAHA. That's why all FMS individuals are so special!! and her superb humanography(human photography), not forgetting also her superb ears and heart when I BARE my heart out to her and only her; Kee YatingLee Xianjie and his amazing photography skills on architectures and sceneries, and his cruel judgement when deleting photos straight away from his DSLR; Chiam Singwei and his brilliant videography and editting skills which threw me and my TV pro group off the stage!! Ahh.. How I love my Kiddo+Mid-Kiddo+Uncle friends. LOL.

To be continued...
Coming up next... "Focus Music"

please smile for me, baby

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Heya~ Been busily trying to catch up with my Jap lately, so if you're wondering why I haven't been blogging, try reading my stuff at http://www.wretch.cc/blog/onnanok0 and you'll understand. LOL.

please smile for me, baby

Sunday, April 30, 2006

Ah...Today is one the most contented days in my life. I'm so glad that I went to interview him and "accidentally" got him to sign for me on his album cover. Lol. Supposedly, he wasn't able or allowed to sign autographs as he has twisted his left wrist(he's a left-hander), but he had signed it for me and another newpaper guy. haha.

the funny thing is this, when he's helping the newpaper guy to sign, i asked him about his wrist as i'm afraid he can't sign more than one album. then he told me:"one is okay, 1000 will be difficult.", upon hearing that, I(holding out his album) turned away and say:"okie then! =)" however!! he noticed the album in my hand and immediately say:"it's okay it's okay!"

AND SO, in the end i've got the rare autograph edition of his latest album. Though I've thought of selling it, it will be rather difficult too as he wrote my name on it too. HAH!

Since my blog has been complained as being plain and boring, I shall add some graphics to it. There you go.

Okie, I shall help to promote his album too as he's not too bad to us this time round. His new album "Heroes of the Earth" is out now in all music stores, and trust me, it's really worth buying. I'm so inspired by this CD more than any other of his past. This is a better chinked-out album than the last one. Enjoy!

please smile for me, baby

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

YEAH!! I'm back to school!!
Haha. New class, new modules, and even more exciting events to be coming up this year.
Jazreen OMG Elizabeth Ng is sitting next to me right now and she's so irritating that she wants to say hi to her charismatic dancer.

please smile for me, baby

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Finally, a new post.
Currently working my pretty butt off for SPH and enjoying at the same time.
At least is not some admin stuff or telemarketer job. Or else I'd have dread working every morning.
However, this job is SO FLEXIBLE that i can't help but keep missing my dance classes. I want to go dance. I miss dance.
Okay, recently there hasn't been many artistes coming over to Singapore, so our focus will be mainly on Singapore Idol and the SuperBand. Other than that, we'll bring you the latest gossip and so forth. So, do buy Shin Min Daily News. hahaha.
Enough advertising. I shall now update on my current lifestyle.
Today will be my last ADP(Artiste Development Programme) class in TinyBoxMusic. From next week onwards, IF i pass the exam, then I'll be "upgraded" to Special Course. At first, I'm so confident that I'll definitely continue. But, think financial and time wise, I'm starting to have my own worries.
Lately I found out that I begin to "care" about things happening around me. I used to think that thinking so much is useless. However, I just don't like the feeling of having something hanging over your stomach and not solving it. It's so torturous, lah.
However, considering the fact that I'm still uncertain of my results, I shan't say so much first. =)
Another thing. Tell me how am I supposed to lose weight within 1 week? LOL. Especially when I hate jogging.

please smile for me, baby

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Finally, I'm back again.
After long tedious weeks of Apple Integrated Project and Location Video Production editing stuff, I finally got my time off to relax again.
Well, not really unless I finish Media & Society Exam on 28th Feb.
Today's Marketing test was bad man. My 20 marks was gone and was quite stupidly gone.
TOOLS. Why did I actually go and think until so complicated and gave him PR functions instead?? Oh man. Luckily, it's just 20%. BUT.. hope I won't flunk it. The last thing that I want to fail is Marketing man.. At least I already know that my GraphComm confirm pass, Web D.. should be alright, then lastly marketing to worry about.
Can you imagine?("Samsung") Just flunk one and you'll flunk all three. This system sucks lah. *praying everyday*
Okay, end of complaining.
I used to post this song on my blog before and I still loved it until now. It reminds me of him. It also shows how ironic people are. When you're hurt or feeling sad, you'll listen to sad and emo songs that reminds you of that person or event even more. Ironically, I feel good after doing that.
This song also reminds me of a little girl who loves stars in my class. haha. Although she may be mean and bad to me at times HURR(*joking), she's quite cute at TIMES lah. Actually, wanted to post this post long ago when saw her emo that day while listening to a song, but that time too hectic already.
That very day, 27th Jan 2006, she had indirectly led me to dig out all the memories that I have with him. Thus, I did things that every emo people will do. Run through every single photos and videos that I took with him, searching every nice little things that he had done for me. However, at the same time, feeling sad over how he would do all those things to another person. Fizzi said I'm a sadist, and I agree. haha. But I'm a sadist to myself as I like the feeling of liking him though it's hurting me at the same time.
Sometimes, I think I'm being too harsh to myself. I make it a point to remain as friends after every failed relationship(only 2 lah huh), but everytime after I say goodbye to him at the end of the day, I find myself so helpless.
However, all has ended when he turn himself away from me.
Therefore, this song I present to all of you. And to that little girl who deserves a better man.
Almost.Over.You. - Sheena Easton.
- If there's someone out there who will walk into my life, I hope that he won't ever walk out of it again. -

please smile for me, baby


Gladys Tan.19.Singapore. Music.Dance.Caps.Sunglasses.


My Jap Blog
My Chi Blog
Page dedicated to Jap Entertainment


Yamashita Tomohisa Mika Nakashima's voice
iPod Video armband
Daite Senorita Jap Version Album
Seishun Amigo Jap Version Album
More Caps
More sunglasses


12/19/2004 - 12/26/2004
12/26/2004 - 01/02/2005
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01/16/2005 - 01/23/2005
01/23/2005 - 01/30/2005
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02/06/2005 - 02/13/2005
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02/20/2005 - 02/27/2005
03/06/2005 - 03/13/2005
03/13/2005 - 03/20/2005
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03/27/2005 - 04/03/2005
04/03/2005 - 04/10/2005
04/24/2005 - 05/01/2005
05/01/2005 - 05/08/2005
05/08/2005 - 05/15/2005
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06/05/2005 - 06/12/2005
06/12/2005 - 06/19/2005
06/19/2005 - 06/26/2005
06/26/2005 - 07/03/2005
07/10/2005 - 07/17/2005
07/17/2005 - 07/24/2005
07/24/2005 - 07/31/2005
07/31/2005 - 08/07/2005
08/07/2005 - 08/14/2005
08/14/2005 - 08/21/2005
08/21/2005 - 08/28/2005
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09/11/2005 - 09/18/2005
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11/27/2005 - 12/04/2005
01/08/2006 - 01/15/2006
02/12/2006 - 02/19/2006
02/19/2006 - 02/26/2006
04/02/2006 - 04/09/2006
04/23/2006 - 04/30/2006
04/30/2006 - 05/07/2006
08/20/2006 - 08/27/2006
12/24/2006 - 12/31/2006
08/26/2007 - 09/02/2007


Layout features idol Tomohisa Yamashita, otherwise known as Yamapi, from JE. Best viewed in 1024x768, IE 6.0.